Men’s instinct to Protect in the Couple by S. Stozny
How to motivate men to change in their couple relationships : The primary motivation keeping men invested in loving relationships is different from what keeps women invested. The glue that keeps men (and males in social [...]
La vraie aventure de vie par Chr. SINGER
Extrait de “Eloge du mariage, de l’engagement et autres folies” de Christiane SINGER "Dans chaque vraie rencontre, l’inespéré a lieu. Dans chaque amour, je réinstaure l’intégrité…de ce qui jusqu’alors n’avait pas existé. Je sauve le [...]
HIGHLY SENSITIVE PERSONS (HSP) : latest research on Sensory Processing Sensitivity, summarized by Elaine N. ARON – developer of the HSP concept in psychology
[ARON's first book, "The Highly Sensitive Person", was a bestseller in the U.S. in the early 1990's. Since then, a very interesting alternative school of psychotherapeutic thought and practice has developed around her.] Actually, there [...]
Memory Reconsolidation – Bruce Ecker’s Coherence Therapy
source: Bruce Ecker et al, “Unlocking the emotional brain”, in Psychotherapy Networker (U.S.), July-August 2013 A very promising discovery for psychotherapy: how the brain can unlock old emotional learnings and replace them by new ones. [...]
Dangers of a reduced, dominant identity – David Brooks in NYT
Excerpts of David BROOKS’ article in the NEW YORK TIMES on 14 November 2016, one week after the surprise election of Donald Trump, on the dangers of a reduced, dominant identity […]
Unsere Singles Coaching Workshops in Wien
12.11.2017 von 11 bis 19 Uhr 7-Stunden-Workshop für Singles und suchende Menschen und für alle an Liebesthemen interessierten Personen.